Research / Technical - Page 18

Quantum Well structures can enhance the TMR of MTJs

Researchers from Japan's National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have managed to introduce a quantum well structure into a conventional magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). The researchers say that the QW structure can enhance the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratio by spin-dependent resonant tunnel (SDRT) effect, with a value of 1.5 times comparing with no SDRT case, at room temperature.

Quantum Well structure introduced to MTJs (NIMS)

The researchers tell us that the key point of the QW formation is the band mismatch between Cr and Fe for majority band, and the mismatch-free Fe/MgAl2O4 interface. The finding is not just useful for enhancement of TMR ratio, it also provides a benefit that the TMR ratio could be kept almost constant in a wide bias voltage range of from -1V to 0.5V.

Read the full story Posted: Sep 25,2019

Researchers create a graphene-based 2D spin transistor

Researchers from the University of Groningen developed a two-dimensional spin transistor, in which spin currents were generated by an electric current through graphene. The device also include a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) that is placed on the graphene to induce charge-to-spin conversion.

Scientists create fully electronic 2-dimensional spin transistors image

Graphene is an excellent spin transporter, but spin-orbit coupling is required to create or manipulate spins. The interaction is weak in the graphene carbon atoms, but now the researchers have shown that adding the TMD layer increases the spin-orbit coupling.

Read the full story Posted: Sep 19,2019

Researchers demonstrate the longest spin lifetime in a graphene sheet

Researchers from Spain's ICN2, in collaboration with Imec and K.U. Leuven have developed a modified graphene-based nanodevice fabrication technique that can increase the spin lifetime and relaxation length by up to three times.

ICN2 graphene device spin lifetime photo

The researchers used CVD-made graphene grown on a platinum foil. By optimizing several standard processes, the researchers managed to reduce the impurity level of the graphene.

Read the full story Posted: Aug 06,2019

Researchers discover an unseen mode of GMR in 2D materials

Researchers from two FLEET universities in Australia, RMIT and UNSW, collaborated in a theoretical–experimental project that discovered a previously unseen mode of giant magneto-resistance (GMR) in 2D Fe3GeTe2 (FGT). This surprising result suggests a different underlying physical mechanisms in vdW hetero-structures.

The research shows that vdW materials (2D material) could offer higher functionality compared to traditional spintronic approaches.

Read the full story Posted: Jul 07,2019

Researchers use thin GaMnAs film to create an extremely efficient spintronics device

Researchers from the University of Tokyo have developed a spintronics device that can quickly and efficiently magnetize - which they say is between one and two orders of magnitude more power efficient than current spintronics device.

Magnetization reverse in GaMnAs (UTokyo)

The researchers used a ferromagnetic semiconductor material called gallium manganese arsenide (GaMnAs) - the magnetization of which can be fully reversed with the application of very small current densities.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 16,2019

Researchers developed a solid-state spin filtering device based on artificial molecular motors

Researchers RIKEN in collaboration with several other Universities, developed an organic solid-state spin filtering device. The device is based on a thin layer of artificial molecular motors.

Undirectional rotation of artificial molecular motors (RIKEN)

The researcher explain that the artificial molecular motors demonstrate four times chirality inversion by light irradiation and thermal treatments during the 360-degree molecular rotation. This means that the spin-polarization direction of electrons that pass through the molecular motors are switched by light irradiation or thermal treatments.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 13,2019

European researchers develop a new method to create 3D spintronics devices

Researchers from the University of Glasgow together with European partners developed a new method to transfer spin information between layers of spintronic materials - basically enabling the development of 3D magnetic structures.

3D magnetic interactions, the University of Glasgow image

This discovery is based on chiral spin interaction. The researchers were able to stablize these interactions within a magnetic layer and, for the first time, extend these types of interactions to other layers.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 05,2019

Optically-assisted MRAM could be a thousand time more efficient then current MRAM devices

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, in collaboration with researchers from Germany and the Netherlands have developed a new memory technology they call optically-assisted MRAM which is based on changing the spin state via THz pulses.

The researchers say that the new technique is extremely efficient (the power required to switch a "bit" will be a thousand times smaller compared to current MRAM devices) and fast.

Read the full story Posted: May 20,2019

UTSA researchers use reduced graphene oxide to develop efficient spintronics interconnects

Researchers from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) have developed a graphene-based "zero-power" interconnect that can present the loss of spin in Spintronics devices.

In the new architecture, the graphene nanomaterials are used as both the spin transport channel and the tunnel barrier. The researchers use reduced graphene oxide in a single-layer configuration. The researchers discovered that by controlling the amount of oxide on the graphene layers, the tune electrons’ conductivity can be fine-tuned.

Read the full story Posted: Apr 06,2019

Researchers report on electric field controlled motion in Skyrmions

Researchers from Shinshu University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Tokyo, Tsinghua University, Kyoto University and Nanyang Technological University have experimentally demonstrated a breakthrough in manipulation of skyrmions using only electric field.

The team, led by Professor Xiaoxi Liu of Shinshu University, designed and fabricated magnetic multilayer films in the form of racetracks where the thickness of the films had a slope. They demonstrated that many skyrmion bubbles can be created and directionally displaced about 10 micrometres by applying a voltage as low as 9 volt in a repeatable manner. They also found that the domain wall displacement and velocity induced by the variation of electric field are proportional to the absolute value of voltage.

Read the full story Posted: Mar 15,2019