Here are some recent and popular news that you may find of interest:
- Researchers manage to control the interaction of light and quantum spin in organic semiconductors
- Researchers develop atomic-scale spin-optical laser
- Researchers use perovskite materials and light to control electron spins
- Researchers open new avenues for the interaction of optical beams with spins and magnetic moments
- New $7.5M project to leverage atomic-scale defects for next-generation information processing
- Researchers develop proof-of-concept magnetic skyrmion transistors
- Researchers take a step towards controlling electron spin at room temperature
- A new multiferroic heterostructure material with the highest spintronic performance in the world
- Researchers make strides in graphene spintronics
- Researchers launch new paradigm in magnetism and superconductivity
- Unconventional magnetism found at the surface of Sr2RuO4
- Singapore’s National Research Foundation gives 'substantial funding' for developing spintronics devices
Posted: Sep 28,2023 by Ron Mertens