Spintronics device makers


Nellow is a start-up developing and exploiting a technology resulting from 15 years of fundamental and applied research by two world-leading laboratories on microelectronics solutions: the  Spintec laboratory (CEA Grenoble, Univ. Grenoble Alpes & CNRS), and the Laboratoire Albert Fert (CNRS, Thales and Univ. Paris Saclay).

Nellow was founded in late 2024 in Grenoble, France. It is developing a component called Feso, which combines ferroelectricity and spintronics (spinorbitronics). It aims to enable chips whose energy consumption is diminished by 1000. 

Nellow is also aiming to replace transistors by 2035 and hopes to create a demonstrator in the future. 


Qnami is a Basel, Switzerland-based company that develops fundamental new technology using quantum mechanics. The control and measurement of the state of a single electron enables Qnami to measure what could not be measured before. The Company calls this 'quantum sensing'.

Founded in 2017, Qnami launched the Qnami ProteusQ™, the first commercial Scanning NV (Nitrogen Vacancy) Magnetometer, in 2019. This tool, which uses the company’s patented Quantilever™ diamond scanning probes, provides an innovative platform for the analysis of magnetic materials at the nanoscale.

In addition, the company intends to extend its patented quantum microscope technology into applications enabling the design and production of quantum computers and spintronics devices.